'MMTS Timings Offline' application provides you the information about all the MMTS, DEMU, MEMU Hyderabad, Secunderabad trains instantly without Internet connection. It's having essential features like
* You can search between Start and Destination stations.
* You can filter trains by your preferred timings.
* You can know your 'Nearest Station' distance and geo location.
* Detailed Train schedule by Train number.
* MMTS Hyderabad & Secunderabad route map included.
* Live Tracking will be coming soon in our future releases.
* More than 250+ trains in our database with most accurate data.
MMTS metro trains major routes are Hyderabad to Lingampally, Falaknuma to Lingampally, Lingampally to Hyderabad, Falaknuma to Lingampally in Telangana state.
If you found any error in our data, Please report us at - digietric@gmail.com